"Relief of poverty, relief of illness; relief of doubt, relief of ignorance--relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of a woman."
--John A Widtsoe

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Lesson: Setting and Achieving Goals - 2015

(Notes from Hilary Seymour's Relief Society lesson 7 June 2015)

As it is half-way through the year, it is time to reflect upon our goals. How are we doing?

Review, Re-Evaluate, Revise, Realistic, Refocus, Re-energise

3rd Article of Faith states: "We believe in that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

Laws - by following laws, we grow closer to God.

4th Article: We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are first, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, second, repentance, third baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, fourth laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Principles & Ordinances will help us get to where we are going.

A principle is an enduring truth, a law, a rule you can adopt to guide you to making decisions. -- Pres Boyd K Packer

What we do here and now is so important in the Eternities.

Increasing our personal faith and righteousness.  
What are our goals?

Faith is a principle of action and power. When you work towards a worthy goal, you exercise faith.
Have trust in yourself when you set a goal. You can achieve it. Don't be discouraged if you don't reach your goals in the boundaries you've set. This is where faith comes in.

How does the Temple help us in the achieving of our goals? It gives us vision, direction and knowledge of our eternal purpose and plan. Set up holy habits and routines. These are the little goals that will help us achieve great ones.

The Gospel can fortify us and give us the strength for all our endeavours.

Keep an eternal perspective and reflect on the good things you have accomplished.

Reflect on your goals and actions:
  • Is it true? 
  • Is it uplifting? 
  • Is it edifying?

"I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves." --Joseph Smith.  

The Lord will guide us, but we will need to act.