We encourage you to read through the lessons before each Sunday to enrich your Sabbath experience. See links below to individual lessons. Alternatively download the magazines and manuals to your smartphone or data tablet device through the Gospel Library app. Subscriptions to hardcopies of the Ensign and copies of "The Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith" manual are available as well.
1st Sundays - Inspired Topics from the RS Presidency
2nd & 3rd Sundays - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Joseph Fielding Smith
5th Sundays - Bishopric's Messages
Accurate as of 4 May 2014. This information is subject to change, especially as TfoT subjects become available.
6 April
Inspired Topic
13 April
General Conference Videos (Sat 12 April & Sun 13 April)
20 April
Ch 8: The Church and Kingdom of God
27 April
Teaching for our Times: TBA
4 May
Inspired Topic: Getting the Whole Family Involved in Family History (Intro to "My Family: Stories that Bring Us Together")
11 May
Ch 9: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
18 May
Ch 10: Our Search for Truth
25 May
Teaching for our Times: TBA
1 June
Inspired Topic
8 June
Ch 11: Honoring the Priesthood Keys Restored through Joseph Smith
15 June
Ch 12: The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood
29 June
Teaching for our Times: TBA