Prelude Music
On Sun 6 July, the Relief Society will be presenting our prelude music for Sacrament Meeting.
We have chosen "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" for its beautiful message of Christ, and because it is a loved and well-known hymn.
We wish to hold a brief (10 minutes) rehearsal on Sunday 29 June, after Relief Society, just to make sure we're comfortable with this hymn.
On Sunday Morning 6 July, we invite all our RS sisters, even if you don't feel you sing well, to join us on the Stand at 8:50am for the prelude.
After the prelude, you are welcome to rejoin your families in the congregation.
"Relief of poverty, relief of illness; relief of doubt, relief of ignorance--relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of a woman."
--John A Widtsoe
--John A Widtsoe
Friday, June 27, 2014
RS Lesson Plan - July - Dec 2014
January-March 2014 Quarter 1
We encourage you to read through the lessons before each Sunday to enrich your Sabbath experience. See links below to individual lessons. Alternatively download the magazines and manuals to your smartphone or data tablet device through the Gospel Library app. Subscriptions to hardcopies of the Ensign and copies of "The Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith" manual are available as well.
1st Sundays - Inspired Topics from the RS Presidency
2nd & 3rd Sundays - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Joseph Fielding Smith
4th Sundays - Teachings for Our Time - Taken from Conference Talks April 2014 General Conference.
5th Sundays - Bishopric's Messages
Accurate as of 27 June 2014. This information is subject to change, especially as TfoT subjects become available.
We encourage you to read through the lessons before each Sunday to enrich your Sabbath experience. See links below to individual lessons. Alternatively download the magazines and manuals to your smartphone or data tablet device through the Gospel Library app. Subscriptions to hardcopies of the Ensign and copies of "The Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith" manual are available as well.
1st Sundays - Inspired Topics from the RS Presidency
2nd & 3rd Sundays - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Joseph Fielding Smith
5th Sundays - Bishopric's Messages
Accurate as of 27 June 2014. This information is subject to change, especially as TfoT subjects become available.
6 July - Inspired Topic
13 July - Ch 13 "Baptism"
20 July - Ch 14 "The Gift of the Holy Ghost"
27 July - TfOT Henry B Eyring "A Priceless Heritage of Hope" Sat AM
3 Aug - Inspired Topic
10 Aug - Ch 15 "Eternal Marriage"
24 Aug - TfOT Thomas S Monson "Be Strong and of Good Courage" priesthood session
31 Aug - Stake Conference
7 Sept - Inspired Topic
28 Sept - TfOT Dallin H Oaks "The Keys and Authority of the Priesthood"
5 Oct - Inspired Topic
12 Oct - General Conference Videos
26 Oct - TfOT From Oct 2014 General Conference
2 Nov - Inspired Topic
23 Nov - TfOT From Oct 2014 General Conference
20 Nov - Combined Priesthood/RS - Bishopric's lesson
7 Dec - Inspired Topic
14 Dec - Ch 23 "Individual Responsibility"
28 Dec - TfOT From Oct 2014 General Conference
Stake Relief Society Service Project
Your invitation to join with us in preparing a Giftbox to donate, on behalf of the Rockingham Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Return Date: The completed Giftbox is to be returned to your Relief Society Presidency by Sun 27th July, or earlier, for collection. Thank you for your assistance and contributions.
We have boxes for the packing of these items. Several sisters have chosen to pack boxes on their own. Others have chosen to contribute some items to many boxes. If you'd like to join in, I recommend contributing items such as socks, beanies, gloves, etc. as we have plenty of soap and shampoo.
A basket will be available on Sundays for the contribution of items. We'll post lists of needed items as contributions come in so we don't get too much of one thing and not enough of another.
All boxes to contain the following:
Also a hand-written note/message or photo - maybe preparing the pack.
For a Women's Box, also include
For a Men's Box, include
Important Note: Please ensure ALL items are new and removed from packaging.
We have boxes for packing these items. Several sisters have chosen to pack boxes on their own. Others have chosen to contribute some items to many boxes. If you'd like to join in, I recommend contributing items such as socks, beanies, gloves, as we have plenty of soap and shampoo.
A basket will be available on Sundays for the contribution of items. Please be thoughtful in what you'd like to include so that we may fulfill as many of the items as possible.
Return Date: The completed Giftbox is to be returned to your Relief Society Presidency by Sun 27th July, or earlier, for collection. Thank you for your assistance and contributions.
We have boxes for the packing of these items. Several sisters have chosen to pack boxes on their own. Others have chosen to contribute some items to many boxes. If you'd like to join in, I recommend contributing items such as socks, beanies, gloves, etc. as we have plenty of soap and shampoo.
A basket will be available on Sundays for the contribution of items. We'll post lists of needed items as contributions come in so we don't get too much of one thing and not enough of another.
All boxes to contain the following:
- Soap and container
- Shampoo & conditioner or 2in1
- Deodorant
- Toothbrush & Toothpaste
- Shaver
- Washcloth/face washer
- Hand towel
- Socks
- Beanie
- Gloves
- Scarf (optional)
- Small packet tissues
- Paper pad & pen/pencil
- Baby/wet wipes
- Hand Sanitiser
- Brush/comb
- Bandaids
- Nail clippers
- Small torch & batteries
- Rain poncho
- Small packet lollies/candy bar
- 50c for a phone call.
Also a hand-written note/message or photo - maybe preparing the pack.
For a Women's Box, also include
- hygiene/sanitary items,
- Hair ties/scrunchie
- Something to treasure: body lotion/spray, hand cream, quote/poem, brooch/jewelry, testimony, etc.
For a Men's Box, include
- Something to treasure like aftershave/spray, quote/poem, testimony, etc.
Important Note: Please ensure ALL items are new and removed from packaging.
We have boxes for packing these items. Several sisters have chosen to pack boxes on their own. Others have chosen to contribute some items to many boxes. If you'd like to join in, I recommend contributing items such as socks, beanies, gloves, as we have plenty of soap and shampoo.
A basket will be available on Sundays for the contribution of items. Please be thoughtful in what you'd like to include so that we may fulfill as many of the items as possible.
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Inspired Topic: Are You Prepared?
"Those who are wise and faithful will be prepared when the Lord comes again." --Joseph Smith
Sisters, perilous times are coming again. We know this is the Last Harvest and Christ is returning soon.
Are you prepared?
In D&C 106:4–5 we are warned, "...the coming of the Lord draweth nigh, and it overtaketh the world as a thief in the night— Therefore, gird up your loins, that you may be the children of light, and that day shall not overtake you as a thief."
How are you prepared?
Prepare yourselves spiritually. Prepare yourselves temporally.
I often speak of how my life is governed by Plans. Fr'example, I've got a 5-year plan (education), a 20-year plan (raising Their Ladyships), and a Thousand-Year Plan (my eternal salvation).
Everyone should have a Thousand-Year Plan. After all, aren't we sharing the same goal?
I encourage you all to prepare yourselves now, while there is time and room. When the disasters and destruction which has been foretold falls upon us, we are not going to escape unscathed. Bad stuff is going to happen to many of us. But if we are prepared, the Lord will be with us during that time. (D&C 63:34) This will be an advantage for the righteous.
But only if they are prepared. (I am in favour of gaining as many advantages I can to help me in those last days. How about you?)
To start your preparations, here is a list of ways you can prepare now. Please add to this list as you see fit; this is only a beginning.
Sisters, perilous times are coming again. We know this is the Last Harvest and Christ is returning soon.
Are you prepared?
In D&C 106:4–5 we are warned, "...the coming of the Lord draweth nigh, and it overtaketh the world as a thief in the night— Therefore, gird up your loins, that you may be the children of light, and that day shall not overtake you as a thief."
How are you prepared?
Prepare yourselves spiritually. Prepare yourselves temporally.
I often speak of how my life is governed by Plans. Fr'example, I've got a 5-year plan (education), a 20-year plan (raising Their Ladyships), and a Thousand-Year Plan (my eternal salvation).
Everyone should have a Thousand-Year Plan. After all, aren't we sharing the same goal?
I encourage you all to prepare yourselves now, while there is time and room. When the disasters and destruction which has been foretold falls upon us, we are not going to escape unscathed. Bad stuff is going to happen to many of us. But if we are prepared, the Lord will be with us during that time. (D&C 63:34) This will be an advantage for the righteous.
But only if they are prepared. (I am in favour of gaining as many advantages I can to help me in those last days. How about you?)
To start your preparations, here is a list of ways you can prepare now. Please add to this list as you see fit; this is only a beginning.
Spiritual Preparation | Temporal Preparation |
Personal Prayers | Keep your body physically healthy |
Scripture study | Keep your mind mentally healthy |
Attend meetings | Be financially stable |
Give service | Build up your food storage |
Serve cheerfully in your callings | Laugh often |
Attend the Temple | Plant a garden |
Treat your family well | Spent time with your family |
Gain an education | Gain an education |
Practice Christ-like attributes | Live within your means |
Pay your tithing | Learn new skills |
Family History | Read more |
Lead by example | Lead by example |
Share the Gospel with others | Be reliable |
Desire to increase spiritually | Desire to grow as a person |
Do not think that where you at is adequate and you can be complacent. Many people make that mistake. Acknowledge the good you have already accomplished, but also seek to improve on that. There is always something you can do better, something you can improve on. Increase the quality of your actions, your deeds, and your preparation.
Those who are inadequately prepared are going to get caught short. They will regret their lack of preparation. You have the power Right Now to not be one of those. I encourage you to exercise it.
RS Newsletter June 2014
Beloved daughters of our Heavenly Father,
From Our History
We recommend sisters read the lesson prior to coming to Relief Society so they can better participate and get more out of the teachings.
Mon 2 June—Public Holiday
Angel Food Cake
As members of the Church these should not be perilous times for us. If we are following the counsel of the prophets and church leaders, obeying all Heavenly Fathers commandments, living the gospel everyday and sharing the gospel with others, we will fare well.
To help us further during these perilous times is the principle of “Self-Reliance. “Self-reliance is an important area we must achieve for us to be happy in this mortal life. The first law of self-reliance is “pay your tithing.” Followed by: get out of debt, put some money away for a rainy day, live within your means (budget brands vs labels), don’t go into debt for unnecessary things (eg, a small house made beautiful is easier to pay off), etc. Education is an acceptable debt also as it will offer individuals and families greater opportunities for employment. There may be other areas that you might consider a necessary part of self-reliance.
If we are not doing these things, then now is a good time to start. Sit down with your spouse or your family and discuss how you can accomplish these things. I bear testimony to you that if you can master these particular areas of life you will have joy, happiness and peace.
In the name of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Dawn Hirama
Relief Society President
The Divine Mission of Jesus Christ: Minister
As we minister to others, we become true followers of Jesus Christ, who set the example for us. President Thomas S. Monson said: “We are surrounded by those in need. … We are the Lord’s hands here upon the earth, with the mandate to serve and to lift His children.”
Linda K. Burton, Relief Society general president, taught: “With practice, each of us can become more like the Savior as we serve God’s children. To help us better [minister to] one another, I would like to suggest four words to remember: ‘First observe, then serve.’ … As we do so, we are keeping covenants, and our service, like President Monson’s, will be evidence of our discipleship.”
We can pray each morning to recognize opportunities to serve others. “Heavenly Father will guide you, and angels will assist you,” said David L. Beck, Young Men general president. “You will be given power to bless lives and rescue souls.”
Consider This
1. How can prayer lead us to be instruments in the Lord’s hands?
2. How can ministering to others help us keep our covenants?
From the Scriptures
Matthew 20:25–28;
1 Nephi 11:27–28;
3 Nephi 28:18
At the October 1856 general conference, President Brigham Young (1801–77) announced that handcart pioneers were still crossing the plains and that everyone was to help gather supplies for them immediately.
Lucy Meserve Smith wrote that women “stripped off their petticoats [large underskirts], stockings, and every thing they could spare, right there in the Tabernacle, and piled [them] into the wagons.”
As the rescued pioneers began to arrive in Salt Lake City, Lucy wrote, “I never took more … pleasure in any labor I ever performed in my life, such a unanimity of feeling prevailed. I only had to go into a store and make my wants known; if it was cloth, it was measured off without charge.”
President George Albert Smith (1870–1951) said of ministering to others: “Our eternal happiness will be in proportion to the way that we devote ourselves to helping others.”
How have you helped someone today?
1 June—Inspired Topic: “Those who are wise and faithful will be prepared when the Lord comes again.”
29 June—Teaching for our Times: “Protection from Pornography—A Christ-focused Home” Linda S Reeves (General Conference April 2014 Saturday AM session)
Sat 7 June, 2-4pm Mandurah Chapel—Stake Relief Society Activity
Thurs 19 June, 10am Chapel—Managing a Budget with Excel Spreadsheets
Thurs 26 June, 10am Chapel—RS Temple Trip carpool
Note: ALL utensils (bowl, beaters, spatulas, pans etc) MUST be grease-free, or the egg whites won’t beat up to stiff peaks.
Preheat oven to 160C (150C fan forced).
In a grease-free mixing bowl beat:
· 10-12 egg whites (about 270ml)
· 1 1/4 tsp cream of tartar
· 1/4 tsp salt
Beat until stiff peaks form.
Beat in, bit by bit:
· 1 1/2 cup powdered sugar (confectioner’s sugar)
Until well-blended.
Add while beating:
· 1 tsp vanilla extract
Fold in:
· 1 cup corn flour
With a spatula, scoop batter (batter will be stiff) into an ungreased pan. Recommend either bread tin or bundt pan, if you do not have an Angel Food tin.
Bake in oven at 160C for 40-50 minutes. Top will brown and crack.
Allow cake to cool completely before loosening and unmoulding.
Best served with whipped cream and fruit.
Influential Latter-Day Saint Women
You Might Not Know
You know about Emma Smith and Eliza R Snow. Do you know these influential women from Church history?
· Sarah Melissa Granger Kimball
Student of Joseph Smith’s School of the Prophets and Suffragette
· Dr. Martha Hughes Cannon
Physician and First female US State Senator
· Jane Manning James
Early African American Saint who crossed the Great Plains with the pioneers.
· Dr Emma Liljenquist
Obstetrician and Midwife
· Amelia Telle Cannon
Early champion of education
· Grace Vlam
First missionary to preach the gospel in Indonesia.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Class: How to Cook with Wheat
Tonight's class "How to Cook with Wheat" has been moved to Sis Kneale's home (PM for address).
Tuesday's class was very successful. If you missed it, come along for some yummy fun tonight.
Tuesday's class was very successful. If you missed it, come along for some yummy fun tonight.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
RS Newsletter April 2014
Dearest Sisters,
These are indeed the last days and the work of salvation is urgent. Why else would Heavenly Father ask for our sons (and daughters) from as young as 18 years of age to join His army?
These Missionaries are our stripling warriors and they have been prepared for the battle these passed 18 years. They too will be valiant because of the teachings of their mothers.
Through your example and teachings Sisters, you have prepared brave and valiant young men and women to join the mission field. Help and encourage them to serve. At home we can also fight the battle against the adversary. The battle is real and it is rampant all around us. There is much to do and we are enlisting ALL of your help, including your young children. Raise the banner (standard) sisters and answer the call from the Bishops, the Stake Presidents, the Area Presidents, the Prophet, and the Lord when you are called to serve.
In Jesus Christ’s Name, Amen.
Sister Dawn Hirama
Relief Society President
Among the most significant of Jesus Christ’s descriptive titles is Redeemer,” said Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “Redeem means to pay off an obligation or a debt. Redeemcan also mean to rescue or set free as by paying a ransom. … Each of these meanings suggests different facets of the great Redemption accomplished by Jesus Christ through His Atonement, which includes, in the words of the dictionary, ‘to deliver from sin and its penalties, as by a sacrifice made for the sinner.’”
Linda K. Burton, Relief Society general president, said: “Heavenly Father … sent His Only Begotten and perfect Son to suffer for our sins, our heartaches, and all that seems unfair in our own individual lives.
“…One woman who had been through years of trial and sorrow said through her tears, ‘I have come to realize that I am like an old 20-dollar bill—crumpled, torn, dirty, abused, and scarred. But … I am still worth the full 20 dollars.’ This woman knows that she … was worth enough to [God] to send His Son to atone for her, individually. Every sister in the Church should know what this woman knows.”
The New Testament includes accounts of women who exercised faith in Jesus Christ, learned and lived His teachings, and testified of His ministry, miracles, and majesty.
1. How can we show gratitude to the Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ?
2. How can we partake of the blessings of our Savior’s atoning sacrifice in our lives?
- Tues 8 April, 10am @ chapel—Parents workshop by Tiffany Stokes
- 12-13 April—General Conference broadcast
- Sat 10am-12pm Morning Session
- Sat 2-4pm Afternoon session
- Sat 5-7pm
- Priesthood session (men only)
- Sun 10am-12pm Morning Session
- Sun 2-4pm Afternoon Session
- 16-20 April Stake Temple Week
- Thursday 17 April, 7:00pm @ Chapel—Family History Workshop
- Fri 18 April, 10am –Ward Activity @ Fantasy Park on Rand Ave
- Sun 20 April 7-9pm Missionary Fireside
- Thursday 24 April - Relief Society Temple Trip. Meet at the Chapel before 10am to carpool to the temple for the 11:30am session.
- Sat 26 April - General Women’s Broadcast combined with Baldivis Ward
6 April—Presidency Inspired Topic
13 April— General Conference
20 April— Ch 6: The Significance of the Sacrament
27 April—Teaching for our Times: TBA
Hot Cross Buns
Wet ingredients:
2 1/2 tsp dried yeast
1 1/2 cup warm water
1 egg
2 Tbsp margarine
Dry ingredients:
3 1/2 c plain flour
1/4 c brown sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
3/4 cup sultanas
1/2 c plain flour
1/3 c water
2 tsp sugar
2 Tbsp Water
2 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp gelatine
Blend wet ingredients, let sit a few minutes.
Blend dry ingredients.
Add wet to dry, mix until a dough forms. Knead until smooth (about 15 minutes by hand)
Divide dough into 12 pieces, roll into balls, set on baking tray. Allow to rise for 30 mins, or until double.
Mix Crosses paste. Pipe over risen rolls.
Bake at 180C for 30 minutes. Allow to cool.
Mix glaze and microwave 1 minute until melted. Glaze buns.
Highlights from the General Women's Meeting.
Friday, April 4, 2014
It's ALL About the Plan of Salvation
A thought for the weekend:
When we teach favourable things (keeping covenants, Faith-Hope-Charity, Love One Another), we do so to help you reach Exaltation. That is why we have lessons at church. We wish to arm you with all the knowledge we can to enable you to make the best decisions.
When we preach against things (covetousness, laziness, other sins), we do so as a warning; these things will keep you from Exaltation. Sin and the consequences thereof are an anchor that weigh you down, weigh you away from your ultimate destiny.
Do you know who you are--who you truly are, who you were born to be, created to be? We're trying to teach you this.
It's *ALL* about the Plan of Salvation and how to reach your greatest destiny.
When we teach favourable things (keeping covenants, Faith-Hope-Charity, Love One Another), we do so to help you reach Exaltation. That is why we have lessons at church. We wish to arm you with all the knowledge we can to enable you to make the best decisions.
When we preach against things (covetousness, laziness, other sins), we do so as a warning; these things will keep you from Exaltation. Sin and the consequences thereof are an anchor that weigh you down, weigh you away from your ultimate destiny.
Do you know who you are--who you truly are, who you were born to be, created to be? We're trying to teach you this.
It's *ALL* about the Plan of Salvation and how to reach your greatest destiny.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Relief Society Lesson Schedule - Apr-June 2014
January-March 2014 Quarter 1
We encourage you to read through the lessons before each Sunday to enrich your Sabbath experience. See links below to individual lessons. Alternatively download the magazines and manuals to your smartphone or data tablet device through the Gospel Library app. Subscriptions to hardcopies of the Ensign and copies of "The Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith" manual are available as well.
1st Sundays - Inspired Topics from the RS Presidency
2nd & 3rd Sundays - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Joseph Fielding Smith
4th Sundays - Teachings for Our Time - Taken from Conference Talks April 2014 General Conference.
5th Sundays - Bishopric's Messages
Accurate as of 4 May 2014. This information is subject to change, especially as TfoT subjects become available.
6 April
Inspired Topic
13 April
General Conference Videos (Sat 12 April & Sun 13 April)
20 April
Ch 8: The Church and Kingdom of God
27 April
Teaching for our Times: TBA
4 May
Inspired Topic: Getting the Whole Family Involved in Family History (Intro to "My Family: Stories that Bring Us Together")
11 May
Ch 9: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
18 May
Ch 10: Our Search for Truth
25 May
Teaching for our Times: TBA
1 June
Inspired Topic
8 June
Ch 11: Honoring the Priesthood Keys Restored through Joseph Smith
15 June
Ch 12: The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood
29 June
Teaching for our Times: TBA
We encourage you to read through the lessons before each Sunday to enrich your Sabbath experience. See links below to individual lessons. Alternatively download the magazines and manuals to your smartphone or data tablet device through the Gospel Library app. Subscriptions to hardcopies of the Ensign and copies of "The Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith" manual are available as well.
1st Sundays - Inspired Topics from the RS Presidency
2nd & 3rd Sundays - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Joseph Fielding Smith
5th Sundays - Bishopric's Messages
Accurate as of 4 May 2014. This information is subject to change, especially as TfoT subjects become available.
6 April
Inspired Topic
13 April
General Conference Videos (Sat 12 April & Sun 13 April)
20 April
Ch 8: The Church and Kingdom of God
27 April
Teaching for our Times: TBA
4 May
Inspired Topic: Getting the Whole Family Involved in Family History (Intro to "My Family: Stories that Bring Us Together")
11 May
Ch 9: Witnesses of the Book of Mormon
18 May
Ch 10: Our Search for Truth
25 May
Teaching for our Times: TBA
1 June
Inspired Topic
8 June
Ch 11: Honoring the Priesthood Keys Restored through Joseph Smith
15 June
Ch 12: The Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood
29 June
Teaching for our Times: TBA
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Relief Society Birthday Party!
Theme: Tropicana! Wear something tropical.
Where: Rockingham Chapel
When: Saturday 22 March, 6:30 for 7:00pm dinner. Entertainment after.
Fun planned. Come enjoy our program, including dance, lovely food, poetry, music, and a birthday cake!
Note: this is a change of venue from Cottesloe beach, as previously mentioned in the newsletter.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Being a Wise Servant
Today's text: D&C 58:26-29
Prior lessons:
Think upon these as you study the following:
Part of the Plan of Salvation is that we're here to learn. Experience teaches us, but also as we gain wisdom with that experience, we can apply it to even greater things.
We are gods in training. We are working to become like our Heavenly Father, to grow up and inherit his kingdom. Our Heavenly Father is omniscient, omnipotent, all-wise, all-knowing.
Now, when do you think he started learning all this? See, we're not just on this earth to do "whatever". We're here to maximise our capacity.
Think of the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25). Sums of money (known as silver talents) weren't given to the servants simply for safekeeping. Every single one of them kept their talents safe. Not a single one was lost. They all did the bare minimum that was required of them.
But two of them improved on theirs. They were not instructed precisely what to do with them. Obviously, they were to keep them safe. But two servants went above and beyond. Not only did they keep their talents safe, they increased them.
As the seed of deity, we need to do our best to grow. We're quite amazing beings, us humans. We are smart, we are clever, we can achieve such marvelous things.
So why do some of us sell ourselves short? When we are faced with a quandary, we should say, "Let me apply myself. I can solve this, one way or another." We should not whine, complain, or murmur. These do not avail us one bit. Sometimes life can get us down, but we must choose not to let it, no matter how hard that choice may be. And sometimes, it is hard. Very hard.
Sometimes we must fall to our knees and ask the Lord for help. He won't solve our problem completely. That is for us to do. But he will give us aid, enough to give us the winning edge, then leave the rest up to us. After all, we are clever children.
D&C 58:26-29
26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;
28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.
29 But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned.
"O Be Wise" - M Russell Ballard, October 2006 Conference
Speaks about innovation. We have been given the opportunity to exercise our moral agency and our own God-given intelligence to become greater than we were before.
"Best Time to Plan a Tree" - Dieter F Uchdorf, Ensign, January 2014
Speaks about bringing out the best in ourselves.
"Good, Better, Best" - Dallin H Oaks, Oct 2007 Conference
Speaks about weighing our choices and wisely considering the better/best option over merely "good". We should begin by recognizing the reality that just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it.
Prior lessons:
- Forgiveness
- Hope
- Characteristics of Christ
- Plan of Salvation
Think upon these as you study the following:
Part of the Plan of Salvation is that we're here to learn. Experience teaches us, but also as we gain wisdom with that experience, we can apply it to even greater things.
We are gods in training. We are working to become like our Heavenly Father, to grow up and inherit his kingdom. Our Heavenly Father is omniscient, omnipotent, all-wise, all-knowing.
Now, when do you think he started learning all this? See, we're not just on this earth to do "whatever". We're here to maximise our capacity.
Think of the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25). Sums of money (known as silver talents) weren't given to the servants simply for safekeeping. Every single one of them kept their talents safe. Not a single one was lost. They all did the bare minimum that was required of them.
But two of them improved on theirs. They were not instructed precisely what to do with them. Obviously, they were to keep them safe. But two servants went above and beyond. Not only did they keep their talents safe, they increased them.
As the seed of deity, we need to do our best to grow. We're quite amazing beings, us humans. We are smart, we are clever, we can achieve such marvelous things.
So why do some of us sell ourselves short? When we are faced with a quandary, we should say, "Let me apply myself. I can solve this, one way or another." We should not whine, complain, or murmur. These do not avail us one bit. Sometimes life can get us down, but we must choose not to let it, no matter how hard that choice may be. And sometimes, it is hard. Very hard.
Sometimes we must fall to our knees and ask the Lord for help. He won't solve our problem completely. That is for us to do. But he will give us aid, enough to give us the winning edge, then leave the rest up to us. After all, we are clever children.
D&C 58:26-29
26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;
28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.
29 But he that doeth not anything until he is commanded, and receiveth a commandment with doubtful heart, and keepeth it with slothfulness, the same is damned.
"O Be Wise" - M Russell Ballard, October 2006 Conference
Speaks about innovation. We have been given the opportunity to exercise our moral agency and our own God-given intelligence to become greater than we were before.
"Best Time to Plan a Tree" - Dieter F Uchdorf, Ensign, January 2014
Speaks about bringing out the best in ourselves.
"Good, Better, Best" - Dallin H Oaks, Oct 2007 Conference
Speaks about weighing our choices and wisely considering the better/best option over merely "good". We should begin by recognizing the reality that just because something is good is not a sufficient reason for doing it.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
RS Newsletter - March 2014
March 2014
I hope you enjoy these few words of encouragement from one of my most favourite apostles, Boyd K Packer.
He quotes the apostle Paul, as Paul described ‘our day’ in these words. “For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God.”
President Packer said that “For many it may be quite disturbing, even discouraging. Nevertheless, when I think of the future, I am overwhelmed with feelings of positive optimism.” So why is he so positive in a world full of turmoil? He says “The scriptures hold the keys to spiritual protection. They contain the doctrine and laws and ordinances that will bring each child of God to a testimony of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and Redeemer. They teach us where to go and what to do.”
So let’s you and I set to and begin reading the Book of Mormon so that we can read it twice this year. Let us also read our assignments for the Old Testament and our Relief Society lessons, so that we too can be filled with optimism knowing that God loves us and watches over us always.
As we come to understand that Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, we will increase our faith in Him and become a light to others. Christ testified of His role as “the true light that lighteth every man [and woman] that cometh into the world” (D&C 93:2) and asked that we “hold up [His] light that it may shine unto the world” (3 Nephi 18:24).
Our prophets have also testified of the Light of Christ. President Henry B. Eyring, First Counselor in the First Presidency, said: “Each time you choose to try to live more like the Savior, you will have your testimony strengthened. You will come in time to know for yourself that He is the Light of the World. … You will reflect to others the Light of Christ in your life.”
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said of our being a light to the world: “We need to protect our families and be at the forefront together with all people of goodwill in doing everything we can to preserve light, hope, and morality in our communities.”
From the Scriptures
John 8:12; Doctrine and Covenants 50:24; 115:5
"In ancient days the balm of Gilead was an aromatic spice used to heal and soothe. Made from a bush or a tree that grew plentifully around Gilead, it was a popularly traded commodity, always in high demand... In Relief Society we hold constant the virtues relating to women, mothers, families, and righteous living. At peace with this God-defined direction, Relief Society sisters can bring this balm of Gilead to troubled times. We have the spiritual resources of faith, hope, and compassion to apply as the balm..."
"My sisters of Relief Society, we are the bearers of the balm of Gilead. May your Relief Society sisterhood soothe and bless you. May you know how I support you in all you do for and with your families. May you feel the ameliorating influence, the balm of Relief Society."
~ELAINE L. JACK "Relief Society: A Balm in Gilead"
News Release — 7 February 2014
The Church announced changes in their organizations that will help meet the global needs of women and girls ages 8 and older:
1 - The newly-formed Young Women general board now has 5 members who live outside of Utah (Africa, Brazil, Japan, Peru, and New York) and 4 from the Wasatch Front.
1 - The newly-formed Young Women general board now has 5 members who live outside of Utah (Africa, Brazil, Japan, Peru, and New York) and 4 from the Wasatch Front.
2 - The Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary leadership training seminars previously held in the Spring in Salt Lake will now become online training available for Latter-day Saint women leaders around the world in multiple languages. The training will now take place after general conference so it can focus on the priorities and the words of our prophets at general conference.
3 - (As announced previously) the Church will hold a twice-yearly general women’s meeting rather than two separate annual meetings for women and young women. This meeting will include girls ages 8 and over.
3 - (As announced previously) the Church will hold a twice-yearly general women’s meeting rather than two separate annual meetings for women and young women. This meeting will include girls ages 8 and over.
Mini Omelette Muffins
12 eggs, beaten & seasoned with salt and pepper
Diced ham, bacon, green onions, red bell peppers, mushrooms, shredded cheddar cheese or your choice.
Preheat oven to 180C. Line muffin tins with cupcake papers & spray with cooking spray. Break all eggs in a bowl & whisk until well combined. Set aside.
Fill muffin tins with mix-ins of your choosing starting with meat & finishing with cheese then fill the tins with the eggs. The muffins will puff up a little when you bake them so make sure you leave a little space at the top of each cup. Bake for 18-20 minutes or until you can poke them in the centres with a knife & it comes out clean (or almost clean). Cool completely & store in an airtight container in the fridge until ready to use. Simply warm in the microwave for a quick ‘breakfast on the go’.
8th 3-5pm STAKE CONFERENCE Priesthood Session - Mandurah Chapel
6-8pm STAKE CONFERENCE Adult Session - Mandurah Chapel
9th 10-12pm STAKE CONFERENCE Session - Mandurah Performing Arts Centre
22nd Relief Society 172nd Birthday, Cottesloe Beach, departing chapel @ 8:15am to get a nice spot. Carpooling, $5/person for fuel. Bring a plate to share.
25th 12pm, Friendship luncheon @ Sis. Lee’s home (PM for address)
27th Relief Society Sister’s Temple trip, Departing 9:45am for 11:30am session
2nd Presidency Inspired Topic
30th Combined Relief Society/Priesthood
1. What invention by a member of the church is owned by 99% of American households?
2. What is the only uniquely “Mormon word” in the Dictionary?
3. What Famous National Monument was carved by the son of LDS immigrants from Denmark?
(Answers below)
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Trivia Answers
Trivia Answers
1. The Television—invented by Philo T. Farnsworth
2. Telestial
3. Mount Rushmore
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