"Relief of poverty, relief of illness; relief of doubt, relief of ignorance--relief of all that hinders the joy and progress of a woman."
--John A Widtsoe

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Relief Society Lesson Schedule - Jan-Mar 2014

January-March 2014 Quarter 1

We encourage you to read through the lessons before each Sunday to enrich your Sabbath experience. See links below to individual lessons. Alternatively download the magazines and manuals to your smartphone or data tablet device through the Gospel Library app. Subscriptions to hardcopies of the Ensign and copies of "The Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Fielding Smith" manual are available as well.

1st Sundays - Inspired Topics from the RS Presidency
2nd & 3rd Sundays - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Joseph Fielding Smith
4th Sundays - Teachings for Our Time - Taken from Conference Talks October 2013 General Conference.
5th Sundays - Bishopric's Messages

Accurate as of 17 Dec 2013. This information is subject to change.

January 5
Inspired Topic:

January 12
Ch 1: Our Father in Heaven

January 19
Ch 2: Our Savior, Jesus Christ

January 26
Teaching for our Times: "To My Grandchildren"
Pres Henry B Eyring (Sunday Morning session)

February 2
Inspired Topic:

February 9
Ch 3: The Plan of Salvation

February 16
Ch 4: Strengthening and Preserving the Family

February 23
Teaching for our Times: "No Other Gods" Elder Dallin H. Oaks (Sunday Morning session)

March 2
Inspired Topic:

March 9
10am - 12pm Stake Conference General Session (Mandurah Performing Arts Centre)

March 16
Ch 5: Faith and Repentance

March 23
Teaching for Our Times: "General Conference: Strengthening Faith and Testimony" Elder Robert D. Hales (Saturday Morning session)

March 30
Bishopric's message

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

RS Christmas Party & Pantomime

Come join us for our annual Relief Society Christmas Party.  This year we'll enjoy a small traditional Pantomime, share a meal, and exchange small gifts.

When:  Thursday 28 November, 7:00pm
Where: Rockingham Chapel
Dress:  Christmassy!
Bring:  A friend or two, a finger food dish to share (this will match thematically to the Panto), and a small gift under $5.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Missionary Boundaries for Rockingham Ward

Wanna feed the missionaries?  Wanna introduce them to your neighbors?  Help them with service?  Find which missionaries are in your area with this ever-helpful Missionary Map:

  • Rockingham West Elders:  Above Rae Road, and beachside of Read Street, in Shoalwater and West Rockingham.
  • Rockingham East Elders: Above Willmott Drive, and landward of Read Street, East Rockingham, Hillman and Cooloongup.
  • Rockingham South Sisters:  Below Rae Road and below Willmott Drive, in Safety Bay and Waikiki.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Conference Memes

If you  missed any bit of Conference, here's all of the 183rd Semiannual General Conference (Oct 2013).

You need to know what was said. It is the warning before we need a warning.

What I have learned from Oct 2013 General Conference:

More here on Twitter, here on the web, here on Pinterest and here on Facebook. Aw, why don't you Google 'em all?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

RS Newsletter - October 2013

Presidency Message

Romans 12:2 "And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." 

Sometimes it is all-too-easy to take the simpler path, the mediocre path. How often have you heard yourself say, "I can't be bothered"? 

Are we not glorious beings with a grand destiny? Have we forgotten?  

Our Heavenly Father has greater things in store for us, not just in the Eternities, but here on earth.  

The brethren have a hymn that starts: "Rise up, O men of God!  Have done with lesser things." As Christ is our example, so should we conform ourselves to reflect our Heavenly Father. 

Meditation: what are the characteristics of Christ?  Do I reflect these in my little actions and daily choices?
Heidi Kneale
2nd Counsellor
We care.

Monthly Calendar
  • Sun 6 Oct, 6pm - Relief Society General Broadcast at Rockingham Chapel
  • Tues 29 Oct 12:30 - Friendship Picnic at foreshore. Bring goodies to share and friends.
  • Sat 12 Oct - Temple Closed
  • 12-13 Oct - General Conference Broadcast at Rockingham Chapel 
    • Sat 10am, 2pm, 6pm (Priesthood session). 
    • Sun 10am (includes prophet's message) and 2pm
  • Oct 16-19 Ward Temple Week
  • Thurs 24 Oct - RS Temple Trip. Carpooling departing:  
    • 7:45am  Heidi Kneale's home for 9:30am session.  
    • 10am at Chapel for 11:30 session.

Weekly Bread Run Schedule
Bread is available for pickups at the following times and places:
  • Mon 6:30-7:30pm Hilary Gratwick's home 5 Tangaroa Close
  • Wed 6:30pm  Dawn Hirama's Home 10 Ocean Place
  • Thurs 6:30pm Debbie Cotterell's home 572 Safety Bay Road

Visiting Teaching Message - Oct 2013

Jesus Christ “created the heavens and the earth” (3 Nephi 9:15). He did so through the power of the priesthood, under the direction of our Heavenly Father (see Moses 1:33). 

“How grateful we should be that a wise Creator fashioned an earth and placed us here,” said President Thomas S. Monson, “… that we might experience a time of testing, an opportunity to prove ourselves in order to qualify for all that God has prepared for us to receive.”

When we use our agency to obey God’s commandments and repent, we become worthy to return to live with Him. Of the Creation, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, said: "We are the reason He created the universe! …“This is a paradox of man: compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to God.”

 Knowing that Jesus Christ created the earth for us because we mean everything to Heavenly Father can help us increase our love for Them.

Be Inspired
This Month's Relief Society Challenge: "Reach Out"
Ring one sister in the ward you normally don't associate with. Call simply to say hello. 
Not sure who to call? Log onto our Ward Website (https://ward.lds.org) with your LDS Account (same one you use for NewFamilySearch).

Recipe Corner
Chicken Mole

This classic Mexican dish has spices, but isn't too spicy. This is what Mexicans think of when they think "Cocina de Casa" (Home Cooking). Serve as a casserole, over rice or as soft taco fillings.


1kg chicken (boned or boneless)
2 cans tomatoes
1 chili (optional)
1 litre of chicken stock or water
1/2 c almonds
1/2 c sultanas
8 peppercorns
1 tsp cumin 
5 cloves
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 c sesame seeds
1 tsp anise
3 onions, chopped
2 cloves of garlic
1 c unsweetened cocoa powder

Place all in slow cooker and let simmer on low 6-8 hours.


3 - Alexis Tata
3 - Helen Temmen
4 - Chantelle White
4 - Margaret Wunsch
6 - Anne Bousfield
11 - Rochelle Cardell
13 - Marlene Percy
14 - Josie Johnson
16 - Ana Filitonga
29 - Diane McDermott

Monday, October 7, 2013

Bishopric Message: “Ye Shall be the Means of Bringing Salvation unto Them”

Bishopric's message for October. Please share with the sisters you Visit Teach.

We are sons and daughters of God. He is the Father of our spirits (Hebrews 12:9). We are created in the image of God, male and female (Genesis 1:26-27). Because we are the spirit children of God, we have inherited a divine heritage and potential to develop His divine qualities. Through the atonement of Christ we can become like our Heavenly Father, receive a fullness of joy and inherit, as heirs, all that our Heavenly Father has (Romans 8:17).

When our Savior Jesus Christ ministered to the Jews during His mortal ministry, the Jewish scribes and Pharisees often criticized him for receiving sinners and eating with them. On one such occasion He spoke this parable unto them saying…”What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost. I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in Heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.” (Luke 14:4-7).

Again when the resurrected savior, Jesus Christ, visited the Nephites on the American Continent, He continued His teaching regarding sinners, saying: “ye shall not cast him out from among you, but ye shall minister unto him and shall pray from him unto the Father, in my name…for unto such shall ye continue to minister; for you know not but what they will return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall heal them, and ye shall be the means of brining salvation unto them” (3 Nephi 18:30, 32).

In our day, our beloved prophet and president of the church, Thomas S. Monson, on behalf of our savior, Jesus Christ, has continued this message by inviting each of us to “go to the rescue”, that “we are the Lord’s hands” by which Jesus Christ brings salvation unto God’s children.

There are many that have gone astray that still believe in the gospel but they may be experiencing difficult trials that make them feel uncomfortable attending church. They also tend to have fewer friendships in the church, so they are less likely to feel they are among friends, when they come to ward meetings. Those who return to activity often do so when they see that something is missing in their lives. As a result, they realize that they need to make changes in the way they live. At such times, they need the love and friendship of caring, active church members who accept them as they are and show genuine personal interest in them.

Through the Lord’s inspired programs of home teaching, visiting teaching, organized rescue visits and splits with the ward and full-time missionaries, we can be actively engaged in regularly rescuing the Lord’s lost sheep. We will come to rejoice as the good shepherd did in bringing them back to the fold of ward meetings, strengthening and renewing friendships and participating in all the Lord’s saving ordinance, especially those found in the temple of our God.

May God bless you as you become the means of bringing salvation unto them is my prayer, in the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Relief Society Lesson Schedule September - December 2013

Sept - Dec 2013

We encourage you to read through the lessons before each Sunday to enrich your Sabbath experience. Links to lessons available here. Alternatively download the magazines and manuals to your smartphone or data tablet device through the Gospel Library app. Subscriptions to hardcopies of the Ensign and copies of the Lorenzo Snow manual are available as well.

1st Sundays - Inspired Topics from the RS Presidency
2nd & 3rd Sundays - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Lorenzo Snow
4th Sundays - Teachings for Our Time - Taken from Conference Talks April 2013 General Conference and October 2013 General Conference.
5th Sundays - Bishopric's Messages
Accurate as of 15 Oct 2013. This information is subject to change.

1 Sept - Relief Society Inspired Message
8 Sept - Chapter 16: "That We May Become One"
22 Sept - TFOT: "Obedience to Law is Liberty" - Elder L. Tom Perry (Sunday AM session) -and- "Obedience Brings Blessings" Pres Thomas S. Monson (Sunday AM session)
29 Sept - Bishopric's Message

6 Oct - Relief Society Inspired Message
13 Oct - General Conference Videos
27 Oct - TFOT: "Lord, I Believe" - Elder Jeffrey R Holland (Sunday PM session)

3 Nov - Relief Society Inspired Message
17 Nov - Chapter 22: "Doing Good to Others"
24 Nov - TFOT: "The Windows of Heaven" - Elder David A Bednar (Saturday AM session)

1 Dec - Relief Society Inspired Message
8 Dec - Chapter 23: "The Prophet Joseph Smith"
22 Dec - TFOT: "Put Your Trust in the Lord" - Elder M Russell Ballard  (Saturday PM session)
29 Dec - Bishopric's Message

"Secret Sister" - Combined RS/YW activity

Young Women:  can you guess who is your Secret Sister?  

Relief Society:  did they guess right?

Come along to our Secret Sister night to test your skills, play a Guess Who game and join us for Sundaes.

When:  Wednesday 11 September, 7:00pm
Where: Chapel
Who:  Relief Society Sisters and Young Women

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Relief Society Breakfast - "Sister Act"

It's time for our annual Relief Society breakfast.  Come join your fellow sisters for a morning of good food, delightful company, a fun craft and a song or two.

When: 14 September 8:00am - 10:00am
Where: Chapel
Bring: your good self, a sunny disposition and maybe a friend.

Food by assignment: See Sister Hirama for more info.

Meanwhile, here's a fun song for you:

Friday, August 23, 2013

Secret Sisters, Start Your Engenues!

Guess Who?
Dear Secret Sister,
See below.
Love, Me.

Dear Everyone Else,

May I have a picture of your beautiful self?  You can PM it to me on FB or email it to me (my address is available on https://ward.lds.org).  I'd prefer pictures that are full of personality.  I'd also like a clue or three about you for our upcoming "Guess Who" game for the Young Women.  Feel free to contribute clues about other sisters (and how unique and wonderful they are).

If you don't send me a picture, I am not above taking a snap of you papparazzi-style. I cannot guarantee this will be flattering.


Dear Secret Sisters,

Now's the time to start surprising your assigned Young Woman with a surprise this week.  Do something nice for her this week, as often as you feel comfortable.  We want to give the Young Women of our ward a better feeling towards Relief Society.

You know how wonderful our sisterhood is. Share that love.  Express to her "You are a beloved daughter of God" (our theme).

Don't let them guess who you are; that time will come.

Wednesday 11 September is our combined RS/YW activity, 7:00pm at the Chapel.  We will be playing "Guess Who".  (That's what the pictures and descriptions are for.)  Not only will our Young Women be guessing who their Secret Sister is, we're going to see if they can guess our many Relief Society sisters from the given clues.

If you are in need of further clues (like an address) regarding your assigned Young Woman, PM or email (or even use the old-fashioned telephone) to contact me. I'm happy to give you as many clues as I have.



Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Learn a New Hymn: 279 Thy Holy Word

Here are the hymns for next Sunday (30 June). Some are familiar, one, Thy Holy Word, is new. Click on the links to go to the Interactive Music Player to listen to these hymns.

216 We Are Sowing

A lot of people think this a missionary hymn (sowing seeds of the gospel), but rather, it's a hymn about the consequenses of our own actions. Give a read through the lyrics and ponder their meaning.

182 We'll Sing All Hail to Jesus' Name

When you read the lyrics of this hymn, you get the sense not only of Christ's sacrifice and atonement, but its importance to us.

279 Thy Holy Word NEW!

It's a shame we don't sing this beautiful hymn more often. The music and the lyrics are thoughtful and motivating. It is not enought to just hear the gospel, but we must take it into ourselves and receive its rewards.

If you're not familiar with this hymn, go listen to it.

251 Behold! A Royal Army

This stirring hymn is very different in mood from the intermediate hymn. This is a call to action! Go forth and do. It's also very much about courage, going up against something that might normally cause you to reconsider, or think twice. Reflect upon yourself; how bold are you?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Learn a Hymn: 82 For All The Saints

We have a wonderful and uplifting hymn on Sunday that many of you may not be familiar with: 82 "For All the Saints". Due to copyright restrictions, the sheet music for this hymn is not available on the LDS web site. However, here is a YouTube recording of the good old Mo-Tab singing it.

This is one of the "Allelujah" hymns, with an Allelujah chorus at the end. YAY!

When reading this hymn in the hymnbook, note that the first two verses (on the first page) are sung in unison. The third and fourth verses are sung in harmony. These are over on the second page. Then you skip back to the first page for verse five in unison.

Don't get caught out with that fifth verse. Don't worry if you do. We won't be the first congregation to make that mistake, and we won't be the last.

If you're interested in knowing more about music, feel free to join us just after Relief Society when we host and informal choir in the chapel. Come learn some new hymns and learn more about how music works.

Meanwhile, here's a funny video of cats.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Read Your Patriarchal Blessing

Every member is entitled to a patriarchal blessing. These beautiful and unique blessings provide inspired direction from the Lord specifically for you.

Study your patriarchal blessing regularly. Turn to it for guidance, for inspiration, for surety.

If you have not read your blessing recently, go dig it out and take a quiet ten minutes to read it. Read it prayerfully, humbly, frequently. This blessing from the Lord is deeply personal. He knows you, your strengths and weaknesses and your potential.

What does the Lord say to you? Is your life currently on the track the Lord suggests? Is there anything you're doing right? Is there anything you need to improve? What gifts do you possess? Are you magnifying your gifts? What blessings could you receive?

Treasure your patriarchal blessing. It is sacred and personal.

If you have not yet received your patriarchal blessing, ask the Bishop for more information.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Keeping Life's Demands in Balance

In Sister Gloria Leavitt's lesson last week (19 May, 2013 - Chapter 8: “Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart”), she referred to a conference talk given by Elder M. Russell Ballard "Keeping Life's Demands in Balance" (Ensign, May 1987).

As she was unable to cover everything she prepared, we're posting an excerpt from her notes here:

In his Conference talk, Elder Ballard offers some tips for helping us keep our lives in balance.

  1. Think about your life and set your priorities. (ed note: see chart below for more hints on how to set priorities.)
  2. Set short-term goals that you can reach.
  3. Through wise budgeting, control yoru real needs and measure them against your many wants in life.
  4. Stay close to your spouse, children, relatives and friends.
  5. Study the scriptures.
  6. Find time for sufficient rest, exercise and relaxation. Schedule it in if you need to.
  7. Families should teach one another the gospel, preferrably in Family Home Evening.
  8. Pray often as individuals and families.

A member of the Church by the name of Stephen Covey once came up with a matrix to help determine priorities of everyday tasks.

For every thing in our day, we need to ask ourselves, is it Urgent? Is it Important?

  1. If it is Urgent and Important, it needs doing right away. Things such as a crisis, medical emergency, crying baby, and pressing problems count as Urgent and Important. These things are of Necessity.
  2. Is it Important, but not Urgent, you're better off doing it sooner, rather than later. Preparation/planning, prevention, important relationships (like family) and true recreation are Important, but not necessarily urgent. These things are of Quality.
  3. Is it urgent, but not important? Sometimes some things seem more important than they are. Many phone calls and emails, other people's emergencies, some popular activities (like television shows) are urgent, but not important. These are the things of Deception.
  4. What about the things that are not Important or Urgent? Trivia, busywork, mindlessness, some leisure pursuits that do not benefit your health, the mundane. These are the things of Waste and should be avoided.

Sometimes some women mistake Urgency for Importance. Do not make that mistake. If something Urgent crops up, determine if it is Important. If it's not, consider giving it a miss for now and go focus on something Important but not Urgent.

Exercise: Make a list of everything you do in a day. Determine if it's Urgent. Determine if it's Important. Make a priority of the things that are Important.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Relief Society Lesson Schedule - May - August 2013 (Q2)

May - August 2013

We encourage you to read through the lessons before each Sunday to enrich your Sabbath experience. Links to lessons available here. Alternatively download the magazines and manuals to your smartphone or data tablet device through the Gospel Library app. Subscriptions to hardcopies of the Ensign and copies of the Lorenzo Snow manual are available as well.

1st Sundays - Inspired Topics from the RS Presidency
2nd & 3rd Sundays - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church - Lorenzo Snow
4th Sundays - Teachings for Our Time - Taken from Conference Talks April 2013 General Conference
5th Sundays - Bishopric's Messages

YSA RS Classes 2nd and 4th Sundays

Accurate as of 28 April 2013. This information is subject to change.

5 May
Inspired Topic -

12 May
Chapter 7: Faithfulness in Times of Trial: “From the Shadows into the Glorious Sunshine”

19 May
Chapter 8: “Search Me, O God, and Know My Heart”

26 May
Teaching for Our Time - Quentin L Cook "Personal Peace: The Reward of Righteousness" (Saturday Evening Session)
Deiter F. Uchdorf "The Hope of God's Light" (Sunday Morning Session)

2 June
Inspired Topic -

9 June
Chapter 9: Sacred Family Relationships

16 June
Chapter 10: “Come into the Temples”

23 June
Teaching for Our Time - Neil L Anderson "It's a Miracle" (Sunday Morning Session)

30 June
Combined RS/Priesthood - Bishop's Message

7 July
Inspired Topic -

14 July
Chapter 11: “I Seek Not Mine Own Will, but the Will of the Father”

21 July
Chapter 12: Tithing, a Law for Our Protection and Advancement

28 July
Teaching for Our Time - L. Whitney Clayton "Marriage: Watch and Learn" (Sunday Morning Session)

4 Aug
Inspired Topic -

11 Aug
Chapter 14: “With God All Things Are Possible”

18 Aug
Chapter 15: Faithful, Energetic Service in the Kingdom of God

25 Aug
Stake Conference

Friday, March 15, 2013

What If...

Time for a game of "What If...?".

What If you were born to a faithful and loving family and raised in the Church? What if you attended Primary as a child, YM/YW as a youth and graduated from Seminary and Institute, then served and returned from an honourable mission before getting married for Time and All Eternity to your sweetheart? What if you did all the right things?

So, pretending that this has been your life, what are the little things that you would have done in your life today? What would you have done when you woke up? What would you have said to your spouse?

What would you have done getting dressed, getting children ready, going to work or school? What would you have done while driving or taking the train? What would you have said to your coworkers?

What would you do when you got home? What would you have said to you family, or done? What would you do that evening, when you eat dinner, and before you go to bed?

(Feel free to write these things down in your "Filling My Reservoir" journal, if you wish. These sorts of things are marvelous dreams!)

Looking over this list of little things that you would do, do you do them now?

If so, mazel! Keep up the good work.

If not, why not?

Over the years, I've had several conversations with several people about lifestyle choices. And they have, invariably, said to me, "Oh, it's easy for you. You were born in the church" or "Oh, well, you've always done that sort of thing," or "Well, I've had a lot of challenges in my life."

Honey, every single one of us has challenges in our lives, some of them so dire and powerful that it nearly killed us. Every. Single. One. Of. Us. Is put here on this earth to be tested. Sometimes the bad things that happen to us are consequenses of our poor choices. But other times, bad things happen not as a consequence, but as a challenge given to us by the Lord.

Regardless, it's unfair and self-pitying to think that we might be more challenged than someone else and we should be cut some slack.

Why should we use that as a pithy excuse for not doing or behaving or being the sort of person we, ultimately, want to be?

It might be that in the past you were abandoned, orphaned, abused, neglected, starved, forgotten, bullied and ran over by a truck. But why should that disqualify you from saying, "Today, I shall be a Disciple of Christ."

Yeah, the past happened. Sometimes it's regretful or painful. But will it disqualify me from making a choice today, right now?

A friend of mine, a few weeks ago, declared she and her husband were going to stop smoking. Alas, her resolve didn't last long. A week ago, she excused herself from our little gathering to go out for a puff.

Boldly, I said to her, "Don't smoke that cigarette."

Her reply: "You don't know what it's like. You've never smoked." She's right. I never have. Granted, that makes it easier for me to choose to not smoke a cigarette.

Yet has her past history of poor choices and bad experiences mean she can't choose not to smoke? No. She will always have that choice. "You can smoke the next one, if you wish," I explained. "Just don't smoke that one."

So what if you weren't born in the church and constantly nurtured within the arms of the Gospel, as it should truly be lived? Does that mean you can't live today as if you had been raised thus?

There is absolutely no reason at all that you can't behave today as if you were the noble Latter-Day Saint you aspire to be. You cannot be stopped if you don't want to be.

Excuses are the Adversary's tool to discourage you and beguile you to behaving less than you are worth. Stop making them.

This might not seem fair to you, but if you behaved today as if you had been a Saint your whole life (regardless of your past), you will get the blessings of being that Saint, because of today. That is the Saviour's way.

What If... I behaved today as a strong, faithful Latter-Day Saint, full of joy and the spirit of Christ?

Who cares what yesterday was like? This is today.

Choose today to make your stand.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Filling My Reservoir Exercise - Finding My Living Water

(March, or when you are ready)

Identifying How I Will Fill My Reservoir

Now that I've done a self-assessment, I will have a better idea of my strengths and weaknesses. Now is the time to put together my plan of action. Now is the time to dream.

What are my strengths? Knowing these will help me maintain them. Knowing my strengths gives me confidence and bolsters my courage. I can recognise my self-worth in myself, in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of my Heavenly Father. This is the core of my being and I want to keep it solid.

Just because my strengths are strong does not mean I do not have to maintain them. I can select goals that keep my edges sharp and keen and that add to the strength of my successes. This will be my baseline to work from.

What are my weaknesses? Once I have identified them, I can work on them and improve them. Weaknesses are only weaknesses if I allow them to be.

Granted, there may be some weaknesses I cannot change (for example, I suffer a physical condition that cannot improve, or I suffer an incurable mental illness). But these challenges are manageable. There is a big difference between saying, "I can't do anything about that," and "What can I do to better cope with this?" A blind woman may never see again, but that doesn't mean she can't learn to read Braille. There is always a work-around for something that may see impossible. Can I find it?

Part of identifying my weaknesses is accepting what I can't change, and changing what I can. Attitude can make all the difference.

Exercise B

Part A: On separate pages in a journal list the following:

  • What are my strengths?
  • What are my weaknesses?

Part B: On the next pages of a journal, list the following:

  • How can I maintain my strengths? Include an occasional idea for improving on a strength.
  • Why are these my weaknesses?

A funny thing about weaknesses: a weakness is a symptom of something else going on in my life. Sometimes it is not enough to address the weakness itself, but to address the underlying cause. If I can identify that underlying cause, I am well on my way to dealing with a weakness.

Part C: On a page of a journal, answer:

  • What do I want to change or improve about myself?

I'll keep this simple. I will make these generalities. These are grand, sweeping changes I want to make. I'll set my ultimate goals in mind. Later, I will identify little ways or stepping stones that will lead me to my ultimate goals.

"I wish I was smarter." "I wish I was closer to God." "I want to be a better mother." "I want a better job." "I want to lose weight." "I need to balance a budget better." "I want to learn to drive a car." "I want to own a home." "I want a college degree." "I want people to like me more." "I want to be able to speak in public." "I want to learn how to sew my own clothes, or fix my car." "I want to bake delicious things (I can't even boil an egg right now)." "I want to speak German."

I shouldn't worry at this point how I will achieve these goals. The first step is to identify what they are.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lesson: Prayer and the elements thereof

This is the Inspirational lesson given on 3 March 2013 in Rockingham Ward Relief Society. We discussed what prayer was and analysed its parts. All sisters were encouraged this week to put a bit of thought into their prayers.

  1. I. What is Prayer?
    1. A. Direct communication from us to Heavenly Father.
      1. i. Instinctive, natural, necessary.
      2. ii. James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
        Prayer is powerful because we are encouraged to ask the Supreme Being for things such as wisdom, knowledge, blessings, comfort, etc.
    2. B. Different types of prayer, such as...
      1. i. Ordinance prayers
      2. ii. Invocations and Benedictions (prayers on behalf of a group)
      3. iii. Family prayers
      4. iv. Personal prayer. (I'll be speaking mostly on this today)
  2. II. Preparing to pray
    1. A. Attitude of humility, sincerity, faith
      1. i. Folding arms, bowing head, closing eyes... kneeling.
      2. ii. Giving yourself over to the will of God, and opening yourself to the influence of the Holy Ghost.
        Humbleness is the key to opening yourself up to Him. You will receive the answers to prayers better with an attitude of humility.
      3. iii. Language -- intimate, respectful, personal.
        Do not be afraid to be honest with the Lord.
        1. a. Thou, thee, thy/thine (Second Person Singular, not in much use in Post-Industrial Modern English, except in religious contexts)
          1. i. You are not required to use the Second Person Singular when we pray. We should use words that appropriately convey a loving, worshipful relationship with God.
          2. b. The same intimate, respectful language forms are used in other languages, eg Spanish, French.

      This is what we teach our Primary Children: "I Pray in Faith". Simple, clear, concise.

    2. III. What are the elements of a personal prayer? (Matt 6:9-16)
      1. A. Salutation -- Addressing Heavenly Father, acknowledging him as our Eternal Father and the God of our creation. (Our Father who Art in Heaven. Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven...)
      2. B. Gratitude -- Show gratitude and humility.
      3. C. Ask for things you need. This is what makes prayer so powerful. We can inquire of our Heavenly Father.
      4. D. Close in the Name of Jesus Christ. He is the Great Mediator.
        As communication is a two-way street, after the end of prayer is a good time to be still, listen and meditate.

    3. Matthew 6:9-16
      1. After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
      2. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
      3. Give us this day our daily bread.
      4. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
      5. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

    4. IV. Purpose of Prayer
      1. A. Questions
        1. What do I expect from prayer?
        2. What obstacles prevent me from praying daily?
        3. Why have I been given this powerful tool?

One-to-Ten: Filling My Reservoir Exercise

For those of you still getting started on your self-reflection, how about starting your journal with an easy One-to-Ten exercise? So...

On a scale of 1 to 10, I am...

A. Physical Health

  1. My health is terrible. It is a great surprise that I am not dead.
  2. Oh dear. My health is so bad, it will kill me soon.
  3. I'm tired all the time, I get sick often, I'm terribly overweight or underweight.
  4. I manage, but only just.
  5. I know what I should do, but don't do better.
  6. I do okay, but could do better.
  7. I eat a healthy diet and get some exercise, but there is room for improvement.
  8. I have plenty of energy and sleep well at night.
  9. I am in fine form and recover quickly from illness.
  10. I am an elite athlete.

B. Spiritual Wellbeing

  1. I can't be bothered.
  2. I believe in Christ, but don't do anything about it.
  3. I know the Gospel is true. I go to church. Isn't that enough?
  4. I pray whenever I remember. I went to Seminary once.
  5. I am afraid. Sometimes I let my fear get the better of me.
  6. I do okay, but could up my game a little.
  7. I want to serve. Really, I do.
  8. Prayer is a daily necessity and I thirst for the knowledge in the Scriptures.
  9. The Gospel fills my every day with joy.
  10. I give my all in the Name of Christ.

C. Financial Standing

  1. Oh boy, I am so far in debt, my great-grandchildren will be paying it off.
  2. I have been very foolish with money. I haven't a clue how to manage.
  3. I have plenty of debts and not sure if I'll ever be out of debt.
  4. I never have enough money.
  5. I break even, most of the time.
  6. I keep my debts firmly in check.
  7. I manage my debts and have a little left over for savings.
  8. I am financially secure with only a mortgage.
  9. I am financially secure with no debt.
  10. I am independently wealthy.

D. Skill Toolbox

  1. I'm useless and a liability.
  2. I'd rather someone else took care of everything.
  3. Wenever a crisis arises, I panic.
  4. I wish I was more competent in more things.
  5. I can handle a few things, but leave everything else to someone else.
  6. I'm upskilling.
  7. I am competent generally.
  8. I am confident I can figure out how to solve something.
  9. I am prepared to handle life.
  10. I always know what to do when anything come my way.

E. Dreaming

  1. Reality is as it is and we should all accept that.
  2. I don't know why I'd bother. It's not like I can do anything about it.
  3. I wish I could do something about it.
  4. Wouldn't it be nice if...?
  5. A girl can dream, can't she? By gum, I'm gonna dream.
  6. I imagine myself being what I want to be.
  7. Someday I will be better than I am.
  8. Think of all the wonderful things I could do!
  9. The world is my oyster, should I wish it.
  10. The sky's the limit! Someday I shall be Queen of the Universe.

F. Motivation

  1. I can't/won't do anything about that.
  2. I'll do something about it later.
  1. I'm going to do something right now.